Adding a journal in OJStat is the first step after succesfully installing OJStat in the OJS root directory. For OJStat to start recording a journal statistics, the journal must be added in the OJStat Dashboard. The step is definitely simple but the users need to prepare the information regarding the journal they are going to add.
OJStat only serves journals hosted in a same domain.
Here are the information needed (* required) by OJStat to work properly:
- Journal Basic Information:
- Journal Full Name*
- Journal SiteID* (a unique number decided by user)
- Journal Full URL*
- Journal Cover Image URL*
- Journal Print ISSN (P-ISSN)
- Journal Electronic ISSN (E-ISSN)*
- Journal Index Information:
- Journal Scimago ID
- Journal Index Copernicus ID
- Journal Google Scholar ID*
- Journal Moraref ID
- Journal CiteFactor ID
Having those information noted, the user can login to OJStat and select Journals->Add Journal. Users will be directed to a form where they can add their journals one by one. It is important to note that since OJStat version 1.3, after adding a journal, the user should go to Journals->List Journals and open the Journal Settings Page so that the journal additional files can be created in the system (e.g., widget files).
If you are using OJStat below version 1.3, several information may not be required (e.g. Journal Cover Image or Scimago ID). I strongly recommend you to use the latest OJStat version so that you can have more features provided by OJStat.